Member Benefits

CMC Designation – membership affords you the unique opportunity to apply for the Certified Management Consultant designation. The CMC is the sole international certification benchmark in the field of Management Consulting and this designation is recognized in almost fifty countries across the globe.

Networking –CICMC members benefit from networking in a variety of ways.  Listings on our site and directory expose members to potential clients. Our annual Management Consulting Business Symposium give members the opportunity to interact with colleagues from other islands and regions, as well as potential business partners from around the world.

Savings – while many of our training sessions and seminars are open to the public, members benefit from significant discounts to attend these events. Members also save on online courses.

Professional development – this is one of the cornerstones on which the CICMC was founded. Professional development of the members  remains a priority and members benefit from ongoing, regular training opportunities designed to make them more competitive and successful.